Why join Trailway to Tranquility membership site? What’s it all about?
Well, there’s just so much good stuff to share with you and I can’t keep it in any longer! For the last 20 years I’ve been on a journey of spiritual awakening and evolving to my highest, most sacred self. It’s a daily practice for sure. I’ve learned so much that I would love to share with you for your own evolution and awakening to your highest self!
You’ll find encouragement, inspiration, motivation and empowering ideas to implement.
After running my own business for the last 16 years and having taken countless courses and classes with top business and personal growth gurus, I have seen and learned so much that I can’t keep it inside anymore! I have taken all the highlights, insights, pivotal information, and ah-ha moments and distilled them down inside this membership space. It’s a place to find support, encouragement, inspiration and freedom from stress, anxiety, overwhelm and burnout as you move along your own unique soul’s journey.
I’ve created for you a Trailway to Tranquility and through it, I help you find or reclaim what’s most necessary in your life to find peace, contentment, freedom, focus, fulfillment, joy, and fun. Come join me and learn more, ask questions, get support and be a part of an amazing community of likeminded individuals who are on a path of awakening, evolving, loving and learning how to live their best life now!
Here’s just a taste of what you’ll find every month...
Recorded meditations on topics like managing stress and anxiety, finding joy in daily life, dealing with difficult people, building your resilience reservoir, sound sleep, the path to forgiveness, focus and concentration, creativity and problem solving, deep relaxation, finding and following your unique soul purpose and many, many more.
Encouraging tips, and tools to create a life with more ease, joy, contentment and vibrant health.
- Tapping
- Guided Visualizations
- Meditations
- Why Laughter is so Important
- How to Rid Yourself of the Negativity Bias
- How to meditate and stay consistent
- And so much more.
Empowering ideas to create a life you love, find and follow your passion and purpose, cope with crisis, heal from shock and trauma, the antidote to worry, self compassion, conquer stress and anxiety, find more fun in daily life, create an inspiring morning routine, etc.
Encouragement for when you’re feeling down, stressed, anxious or indecisive. Tools to help you find and follow your next meaningful role when you’re in a life transition and the like. Ways to be more productive; how to move forward when you feel like quitting and more
Gratitude practices, morning rituals, tools to conquer procrastination and how to rewire your brain for success, best practices for sticking to your goals, how to make yourself a priority without guilt.
Inspiring Quotes and humorous quips
And when you thought it couldn't get any better...
There will even be mini “classes” and coaching on topics of interest to inspire, encourage and motivate you!
And monthly live calls on various topics of interest as well as Q&A. All recorded in case you can’t join live.
You even get to have input on what else you’d like to learn about as content is added!
What would you expect to pay for all this? Separately, it would be hundreds a month. Individual coaching packages can quickly add up to 1000’s of dollars.
Sign Up TODAY for only $39.97!
Just click on the button below get going.
And when you thought it couldn't get any better...
There will even be mini “classes” and coaching on topics of interest to inspire, encourage and motivate you!
And monthly live calls on various topics of interest as well as Q&A. All recorded in case you can’t join live.
You even get to have input on what else you’d like to learn about as content is added!
What would you expect to pay for all this? Separately, it would be hundreds a month. Individual coaching packages are thousands and typically membership sites charge between $40, $100 per month but as my inaugural members to the new platform where I can bundle all this wisdom, inspiration and fun stuff, I’m giving it away for steal — a tiny fraction of the true value!
I'm so excited to offer this to you and by joining now, you'll lock in this steal of a price!
What’s the price? I call it the Latte factor. We don’t realize how much we spend on little things that all add up – like the cost of a latte a couple of times a week or the impulse buy at a checkout line…. For less than that, $15.00 a month, you get ongoing support, inspiration and encouragement always in your own time frame. This content is available to you 24/7, 356 days a year! Jump in any time you’d like to be uplifted, feel restored, renewed and rejuvenated; you’ll feel calm, confident, loved, supported and smarter too!
The Finding Your FREEDOM sale will only last through July 18th. The sooner you join, the sooner you have access to the content which is always being added to and updated. I want you to feel loved, appreciated and supported as part of my community!
Sign Up TODAY for $15.00!
Use the code FREEDOM when you check out.
Need more information? Schedule a time with me and we’ll chat!