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Linda Mitchell Coaching and Healing Fav Icon

What you can learn from them

People mentioned in this list are experts in motivation and have spent their careers inspiring people at seminars, through online classes and with books.

Watching these top motivational speakers interact with their audience is a great way to improve your own communication skills. One of the best known is Tony Robbins, who uses a range of physical and verbal techniques to captivate thousands of people attending his seminars.

After going through the list, spend some time looking at recordings of their seminars and observe how they use their body language, eye contact, vary the pace of their voice and engage with the audience.

Here are 15 of the most popular motivational speakers from around the world.

Linda Mitchell Coaching and Healing - Linda Mitchell Her self

Linda Mitchell

Board Certified Coach

Intuitive Bodyworker

Energy Healer

LMT Speaker

Workshop Leader

Type of Speaker





Topics Included

Managing Stress

Embracing Change

Mindfulness & Meditation

Personal Growth



Confidence Abundance

Health & Wellness

Mind/Body Connection


Goal Achievement

Teamwork & Performance 


Listen to my monthly "Coach On Call" and Uplifting Radio Segment on AM970 The Answer's Conversation with Joan

iHeart Radio & iTunes (listen live or on demand) Formerly on WOR Radio 710's CYACYL - Change Your Attitude Change Your Life Radio Program

WOR Radio 710's CYACYL - Change Your Attitude Change Your Life Radio Program

Read my Monthly Article in the CYACYL 24/7 Digital Magazine

Deepak Chopra

Michael Phelps

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Mark Nepo Neale Donald Walsh

Don Miguel Ruiz

Brain Tracy

Dawson Church PhD Rebecca Campbell

Jean Chatsky

Dr. Mark Hyman